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DALL·E 2023-12-19 18.14.37 - A bold text-based logo for 'Pocket Play', a video game publis

By Creators, For Creators

Hyper & Hybrid Casual Publisher

Join The Pocket Play Family

We Care About Relationships, Not Numbers

Unlike other publishers, we care about the studios we work with REGARDLESS if you have a high concept or not. We want to see all studios that work with us succeed, and we will work with you until you have a hit game! We are hands-on with your game from conception to publishing. The moment you submit to us, you are a part of our team.

Full Transparency

We prioritize efficiency and potential in game development. We're transparent and provide feedback on concept viability. For promising ideas, we offer insights and strategies to enhance market performance, ensuring your focus on high-potential games.


Never Seen Before Ideation Program

We have a team dedicated every day to market research and analysis to determine new and current trends in the hyper and hybrid-casual market. Given this analysis, our team conceptualizes high-concept ideas, writes game design documents, and provides it all to you, the developer. That way, you can develop at ease, knowing that you have maximum potential to test well in the market.

50/50 Split!

At Pocket Play, we believe in fair reward for hard work. That's why we've committed to an equitable 50/50 profit split with our developers, ensuring that your dedication and creativity are justly compensated.


Submit Your Game!

Submit your game for us to take a look. If we see potential we will reach out for further steps. Lets turn your game into a profitable hit!

*If you do not have a gameplay video, please tell us about your game idea

Thank You for Contacting Pocket Play!

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